14 Day Liquid Diet Weight Loss Plan to Loose 10Kg in a Day

A 14-days liquid diet plan for weight loss will help you lose up to 10 KG in five days.

The plan will help get rid of extra body fat and water weight and make you slimmer with balanced hormones as it’s a liquid.

Liquid Diet Weight Loss

I plan we’re going to replace all whole and solid votes with choose smoothies soup, water, tea, coffee etc this means no rice bread pasta roti curried lentils vegetables etc for the next five days. The best thing about this diet is that you will not be able to cheat as you don’t have many options to eat.

I’m going to show a sample. I plan to help you understand how it should be bland so let’s get started I’m taking 8 a.m. in the morning as breakfast time and it’s just for illustration purposes, please follow your own schedule start your day with a cup of turmeric bullet coffee. It will replace your regular breakfast and is very easy to make make sure to use good quality ground coffee and not instant coffee.

Liquid Diet Weight Loss: My Diet Plan

I’m using 1 tablespoon of coffee powder and to make black coffee I’m using my tea and coffee maker you can use a saucepan also to make it have a strain of the coffee later next in a blender jar.

  • Pour the warm black coffee followed by 1 tablespoon of virgin coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon of key or unsalted butter and a pinch of turmeric powder
  • and blend all for 20 to 30 seconds and as you can see a creamy bullet coffee is ready
  • it has healthy fats to get rid of hunger and cravings for few hours and enough caffeine to help you lose weight and keep your brain alert and focused at 11:00 a.m.

That is after three hours I have one glass of juice without added sugars it could be any fruit or vegetable juice fresh or store-bought doesn’t matter just make sure it’s 100% juice without any added sugars.

Orange Juice Example of Liquid Diet

Here I’m giving an example of orange juice as it is one of the most common juices available in the market. Orange juice is rich in vitamin C late and potassium it is very low in calories and has zero fat.

It has a good amount of weight loss friendly fibre and will keep you full till your next meal diabetics may choose to have tomato or carrot juice at 1:00 p.m. in the afternoon.

That is after two hours it’s time to have a bowl of soup which will be your lunch you can choose to have any soup like tomato pumpkin sweet potato mixed vegetables cabbage lentils or chicken mutton or lamb soup but ensure to have clear or blended and strained soup.

Vegetable or Chicken for diet

There should not be any vegetable or chicken or mutton pieces. I have few soup recipes which you can try for example if you’re making a soup with chicken or vegetable pieces.

Then strain the soup drink the liquid part and not eat the chicken pieces if you’re making soup using Tomatoes then blend the soup strain and then have it add Himalayan

Pink salt, black pepper powder, red chilli powder etc for seasoning to improve the taste but a white MSG or Ajinomoto as it leads to water attention and bloating along with the soup have a multivitamin tablet.

Buy a good quality tablet, 3 p.m. after 2 hours have a cup of green tea you can use matcha as well we all know the weight loss benefits of green tea it reduces body fat, especially abdominal fat.

Boost your metabolism

After 2 hours again have a glass of moring the smoothie in a blender.

  • Add 1 tablespoon of Moringa powder
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 tbsp of honey or maple syrup and
  • 3/4 glass of almonds soy or regular skim milk
  • blend them all pour them into the glass
  • and enjoy honey or maple
  • the syrup added is optional

Moringa is 25% protein and 24% fibre. It has chlorogenic acid just like green coffee and acts as a fat burner with moringa powder. You lose actual weight and not only water weight so the lost weight doesn’t come back if you follow a balanced diet.

7-Day Liquid Diet Weight Loss Results

After 2 hours in the denim just like lunch have a bowl of clear or strained soap each p.m. have a cup of green coffee this is supposed to be the last ring for the day.

Green coffee is high in catkins and chlorogenic acid which promotes fat burning it is a natural diuretic so it removes extra water from our body and reduces bloating.

You can have regular water throughout the course of the day other drink options and the liquid dietary coconut water salted butter milkshakes salted lemon water spirulina shake almond milk soy milk regular tea or coffee etc.

Liquid Diet Plan For Weight Loss

Avoid carbonated drinks energy drinks iced tea and drinks with added sugar-flavoured milk alcohol wine raw or cooked vegetables cheese fruits mashed foods or any solid food which needs to be chilled.

The liquid time plan normally has no restrictions on the number of days to be followed its idly for five days but you can always extend it till it’s fine with you.

The diet will make your brain clear and focused he won’t feel tired and bloated and your bowel function will improve it is known to be safe for PCOS as well as cod as detox is your body and cures polycystic ovaries it is safe for type 2 diabetics as well but only if you follow a high-protein liquid type plan.

Best Liquid Diet for Weight Loss

Stay away from fruit juices as that can spike your sugar levels so please watch your intake. It is also known to be safe from hypothyroidism as it solves the issue of water retention a main symptom of hypothyroidism.

However, I still suggest consulting your doctor if you’re suffering from any ailments and do continue with your medications while you wish to start off with its liquid diet when following this diet to get a variety in your diet.

Liquid Diet For Weight Loss at Home

Don’t repeat the drinks and you will get bored plus you will restrict the nutrition of other foods remember the plan.

I have shown is a sample plan make changes as per your schedule and taste try including superfoods like Moringa spirulina match odds that ran this died as these are very effective for weight loss.

Improves Insulin Activity

They are super written proteins and fibre, not just weight loss this plan can also help you get super shiny skin hair and nails hope you like this easy super-effective type. Plan stay hydrated like this video subscribe to my channel if you still haven’t

Ashok Nath
Ashok Nathhttps://easytipstutorial.com/author/ashok-nath
Ashok Nath is a content creator in easytipstutorial.com. He likes to write tips and tutorials on different kinds of difficulties that people face day to day life.

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